
Hostess Club Information

Power Stampin’ Up! Hostess Club

Membership Benefits
·  Receive a FREE Stampin’ Up! Idea Book and Catalog!
·  Make a special hostess club only project each month
·  Learn new crafting skills!
·  Slowly build your Stampin’ Up! Collection!
·  Earn Free Stuff
·  Spend time having fun and making friends!
·   Each member of the club takes turns being the hostess so that each member has the opportunity to earn FREE stamps and accessories. 
·  Groups will run September through May
·   We will meet the Third Monday of the month at 12:30 PM or 7PM your choice of time-may choose different time any month.

The club will meet for nine months, September through May.   Each member is required to order a minimum of $25.00* in Stampin’ Up! Merchandise (this enables each hostess minimum hostesss benefits).
See “Hostess Club Rules” for more information.  If you would like to have your order shipped directly to you a hostess code will be available the first of the month and you may use it at anytime-SU shipping charges will apply.  If you have your order shipped to me for local pick up the shipping will be 10%. 

If you have questions or would like to sign up contact me:
Anne  Power  
Phone:215 699-8985

1.       Members will be invited to attend a free class monthlt for Hostesses and Downline members only!
2.      All hostess classes are located at the Power House
3.      Each member will take turns being the Hostess. The Hostess of the month will receive all the hostess benefits, which will be determined by the closing net workshop total (see hostess benefits in the Stampin’ Up! Idea and Catalog).
4.      The demonstrator will determine techniques/projects for each class.
5.      Each member must order a minimum of $25.00 in Stampin’ Up! Merchandise per month. The hostess is encouraged to get outside orders and/or bring guests to club to boost her meeting total. (If there are guests Anne must be notified 24 hours in advance)
6.  It is recommended that A credit card be kept on file to make ordering easier.
7.      If a member is unable to attend a class, she is responsible for submitting the minimum order prior to the class. Arrangements must be made prior to the workshop date with either the hostess or the demonstrator.
8.      If a member is unable to fulfill her obligations to the club, she will be responsible to find a replacement member; otherwise she is still responsible for placing her minimum order.
9.      Clubs are limited to 9 members per group.  Members are counting on each other for the success of the Club!

Here are some examples of past Hostess club projects.

2016 project

2016 project

2016 project

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