
Sunday, January 18, 2009

More Digital Pages

These are digital pages-This is my daughter, my niece and my Sister-the finished page I will print and give to my Sister-in-law, the square of just pictures I will print and scrap for my self.  This is how I like to do digital!


  1. These pages look fabulous!

  2. I am so impressed with your digital work! I am not brave enough to try it out yet. plus I love the feel of all the textures (and playing with all the stuff!!) so I'm not sure I'm quite ready to give all that up yet. but you are certainly tempting me with your gorgeous creations! :)

  3. Very cute.Do you print out alot of your pages?What kinda print do u use if so?

  4. These look great. I'm taking an online class in digital scrapbooking etc., but I'm struggling.
