
Sunday, February 21, 2016

January Sketch Class

   I am so far behind on posting cards to share.  I am going to make a sincere effort to get caught up on posting.  the next few days I'll share so cards from my past two sketch classes.  I must say the sketch for January was one of my favorites.  the sketch was inspired by a project on the front of Stampin' Success, the magazine Stampin' Up! publishes for their demonstrators.  I'll share a card that looks very much like the project on the magazine next.  I'm listing the supplies I used below with links to my online store in case you want to order from me the supplies for this or any other crafting project.
There is really no big tricks to this card however if I were going to pick out things to take away from this project I would point to the coordination.  The DSP (designer series paper) is all neutral black gray vanilla.  I added a pop of color to this DSP and it really made this card.  I used Watermelon Wonder, this color is very interesting because it is not orange, not red, not pink sort of coral and it seems to adjust to what you put it with to some degree.
   I guess it's an in style color so it feels fresh and hip.  I suppose that is the point of having in-colors.  This one is special though.  I'm not sure how to describe it's specialness.  Can you?   Leave me a comment if you can.

   The next thing I would point that makes this card a tool of learning would be the black mat.  When working with DSP especially one with a geometric pattern a solid mat finishes off the pattern visually.  In this case the stark black punctuates and pops the whole card.  Taking the few seconds and few pennies in material to mat is so worth it.  If this panel wasn't matted this card would be blah and ambiguous.  Instead I really like what I made and frankly it's one of my favorite cards I made this year.  That says a lot about a really very simple and easy card.  Layer layer layer.
    There is one sad note to this card.  since this class I have not been able to find the tea bag tag die.  It's a tiny little die and I just cannont find it - very sad.  If it doesn't turn up soon I am going to buy another set of these dies because I love this set of dies that much! and I need them to be complete.  I guess it wouldn't be such a bad thing to extras of the other pieces for prepping a class however generally I will get by with one set of dies.  So if you have these dies and you hate that little tag for some reason and will never use it -I'm in the market for the little thing and would give it a good home!  LOL.
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